Friday, February 23, 2007

Seminarian accused of destroying GLB posters

Terence Callaghan

It has emerged that on the 6th of December last, a seminarian from St. Pats was found tearing down a poster for an event of the Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual society. The incident was first reported to Declan Doody, Co-President of the GLB and St. Pats post-grad student. He was approached by a student that recognised Doody as one of the GLB Presidents. She informed Doody that she had earlier witnessed a person she personally knew to be a seminarian, taking down posters that were advertising the GLB Christmas party that was due to be held the following week. She told Doody that when she approached him to question his actions he responded with by saying that “they don’t belong in Maynooth, as St. Pats owns the land” and added that they were, “offensive”, “belittled [his] faith” and “wrong”.
Doody then went to the SU offices, where he lodged a complaint with SU Finance Officer Oisin O'Reilly which was passed on to SU President Amanda O’Hara. After discussing the complaint with Mr.O’Reilly it was decided that the job of writing an official letter would be left to the GLB. The decision was made due to the fact that the society felt so strongly on the issue. However, due to the Christmas break and exams, the e-mail informing the GLB of the decision was not received until early February. Amanda has said that she awaits the response from Monsignor Dermot Farrell (president of Maynooth College). If the response is not satisfactory, then the SU will step in and take appropriate action. As of the time of this paper going to print, the letter was being drafted by GLB co-presidents Max McLaughlin-Callan and Declan Doody. As of yet, no official response has been issued by St. Pats.

This event has had a demoralising effect on the GLB, because time, effort and money put into organising and advertising events on campus is going to waste on a regular basis. Mr. Doody revealed that the society does not advertise on the south campus, as posters were being removed within a day or two of them being put up. He also commented that posters regularly carry graffiti with phrases such as “Fag” and “Fanny basher”. On this particular incident Doody said of St. Pats “It’s offensive and depressing to know that there is a group of people that don’t consider you as their equal”.

This is, of course, not the first run in St. Pats and the GLB society has had.
Indeed up until 1997 St. Pats blocked the society’s official ratification, which only came with the Universities Act of the same year and the separation of Maynooth College and NUIM.

Monsignor Farrell's office were asked if they would like to comment on the incident. They did not reply to the Advocate.


Anonymous said...

Declan Doody pulled down a number of those pro life posters did he not?
Is it really something he feels he can in good conscience make a complaint about

Stephen said...

Was the GLB "plastic Christmas drag party" not on the 5th Dec??

Spiked Cola said...

Declan Doody here, in response to the above post, I did take down Pro-Life Soc posters Stephen however the posters I took down were all out of date. Out of date posters take up valuable room on notice boards and yes I feel in good conscience I can make a complaint about it as the posters were torn dowm out of spite not because they were out of date.

Oisín O' Reilly said...

Every society takes down others posters when they go out of date, its good practise too otherwise the notice boards would be really full and no one would see anything.

Lolly said...

This is desperate bad form on behalf of St.pats and in fairness what or who declan doody has or hasn't done has got nothing to do with this in my opinion.
No matter what way ye look at it the seminarian was in the wrong.

Maynooth Advocate said...

I would just say that I don't think that we should day that this is the fault of Saint Pat's, but rather the Seminarian in question.
John Geraghty,

Maynooth Advocate said...

Correction 'should say' instead of 'should day'

Spiked Cola said...

i agree with john its not st pats but the seminarian that is in the we are not looking for a witch hunt nor do we have some vendetta, i gave the interview because i want people to be aware that this discrimination occurred.

Spiked Cola said...

and with regards the date in the paper the event occurred on the 5th and the incident occurred before the 5th. my apologies for mixing up my dates.